Contact Us

It’d be great to talk.

Our response time is slow over the weekends but with that caveat, send away. We’ve included a short outline of request types and the best medium to contact us below:

I. Quick hello

If you have a quick message, link you’d like to share, or you just want to say hello, feel free to contact the site owner on Twitter or LinkedIn. He checks his inboxes and mentions frequently.

II. Specific request

Whether you’d like to talk writing, creativity, decision making, or anything else, you’re welcome to send our team a message. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

To avoid wasting any time, please do not contact us with:

  • Requests to link to your website or article.
  • Requests to be included in your expert round-up.
  • Requests to feature your infographic.
  • Requests to “pick my brain” outside of a simple question or two.

On the flip side, please do contact us with:

  • Opportunities to be featured in your major media publication or podcast.
  • If you’re a regular reader and have any questions for the site author — happy to help.

My current business email is: gregory <at> sparringmind <dot> com